1. Run the Chicago Marathon
2. Go to Iceland
3. Do a half ironman signed up for Austin 70.3 on 10/23/11
4. Make a fun party dress
5. Visit at least 5 of the following states: Hawaii, Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Mississippi, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Rhode Island, Maine
6. Buy 3 spices I have never heard of and make a recipe with each of them
7. Attend the Ground Hog’s Day celebration
8. Send Mom and Dad on a trip for their 40th anniversary on 8-26-12
9. Make and send cookies/gift/surprise to a friend or family each month for a year(0/12)
10. Read Lord of the Rings then watch all of the Lord of the Rings
11. Memorize and play AND sing a song on the guitar in front of people I know
12. Get another tattoo
13. Read 30 books: The Reliable Wife, Monique and the Mango Rains,
14. Create a list of things that make me happy at least once a month (0/25)
15. Splurge on a pair of boots or jeans
16. Run in the snow12/5/2010 Cross Country Challenge (not only was it in snow but 7 degree windchill, that was my limit)
17. Go on a food tour in Chicago
18. Pretend to be a tourist once a month and visit a local attraction
19. Go to the dentist-twice
20. Donate blood
21. Get at least 8 hours of sleep for a full 14 days
22. Own up to my library fine and pay it off, then use it
23. Throw 3 parties just for fun
24. Make a quilt
25. Eat 5 things I have never eaten before
26. Create a picture, frame and hang it on the wall
27. Work a week from 9-5
28. Write a letter instead of calling 10 friends
29. Eat at a restaurant alone
30. Give $10 to charity for everything not completed
I'm not sure what shape this blog is going to take if any at all. I do hope to share the adventures, fun, and hysterical times of the final years of a twenty-something. Plus, if you have a follower before posting your first post you gotta at least write something.
This list makes me want to write a list of my own! Neato!